StudyEssentials – Focused and efficient learning

StudyEssentials – Focused and efficient learning

The course will be held online with ZOOM.
Learning - A challenge with many motivational and cognitive hurdles. The first challenge is to overcome one's own inertia, activate self-motivation and maintain effort throughout a longer learning phase. The second challenge is to reach deep understanding of learning material and long-term storage of knowledge. An optimal attitude and knowledge of learning mechanisms are already half the battle. In this seminar, you will acquire the basics of motivation, willpower and learning psychology in order to be optimally prepared for intensive learning phases. Learning is exhausting, but knowing efficient learning principles will help you to make the effort pay off. This course will be held in english.

Basics of motivational psychology: The role of expectations and growth theory of abilities. Basics of will psychology: planning, action initiation and goal realization. Basics of learning psychology: learning and memory, innate intelligence and acquired skills. Introduction to efficient learning principles: Long-term learning versus bulimic learning, learning goals versus performance goals, varying learning conditions, learning by self-testing, desirable difficulties and productive failure. Tips around lectures and seminars: Taking notes, summarizing and actively retrieving.




The course will be held online with ZOOM.


  • Studierende: 70.00 CHF
  • Doktorierende: 120.00 CHF
  • Mitarbeitende: 170.00 CHF
  • Externe: 310.00 CHF


I learned a lot. Thanks!


Lecturer: Dr. Esther Ziegler


13.00 Basics: Motivation, will, self-efficacy

14.00 Break 15 minutes

14.15 Cognition and learning: Prior knowledge, intelligence and growth

15.00 Break 15 minutes

15.15 Learning principles for long-term knowledge

16.00 Break 15 minutes

16.15 Question and answer session

17.30 End of the course

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